“Julie was a breath of fresh air. In an overwhelming time in education, her message was invigorating. Connection is the key, and she was able to connect and relate to every member of our school community, leaving us wanting more.”

-Tiffany Correa, Supervisor of PD and Special Projects, River Dell School District

Engaging and Inspiring Programs

As an active researcher and professor, I spend much of my time in schools. My available speaking dates are limited, but I love sharing my research and helping teachers and leaders improve their practice.

My programs illuminate the ways memorable teachers influenced students’ lives. Using these memorable teachers as models, I provide strategies anyone can implement to positively impact the people they teach, lead, or serve.

I engage each participant with evidence based strategies, concrete tools, inspirational stories, and my own in depth research on the life-shaping influence of teachers and leaders. My perspective on teaching and leading is both inspirational and informative. The original content generates reflection long after the event.

Most Requested Programs:

Help Every Student Feel Safe, Seen, and Stretched

Recapture the Joy in Teaching (and Help Students, Too)

Keep Your Teachers: Strategies for Increasing Teacher Retention

Request More Information

Do you want to bring your teachers the inspiration and information they need to stay longer and be stronger? Are you looking for original, evidence based professional development that reaches hearts and minds? Simply complete the form to connect with Julie.